Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's Football Season!

My birthday has come and passed. The leaves have started changing and the brisk nights mean I can finally bring out my leather jacket! With Pumpkin Spice Lattes (blech) and boots galore slowly peeking out from the summer curtain that hid them away for so many months, the fall is here. And with fall comes one thing - football.

Call me un-American but I don't follow the NFL. College football will always hold the only space in my heart allotted for that beloved pig-skin that so many dedicate entire weekends to worshipping. But while I may be at the bar for the beer and the laughs rather than the TVs, there is one thing I absolutely can not resist.

Free things.

Voila! Free!!
So when my boyfriend called me up to say his company was offering discounted tickets to Jets games I was all in - because a big enough discount means free in my mind! Plus, I had never been to a real professional football game and I'm always down for new experiences.

The weather was beautiful. The friends were beautiful. The beer was beautiful. And it was a perfect day for selfies!

Plus, I got to wear that cool Jets Santa hat!

don't we look fun?

An Explanation

This past year has been one for the books, lemme tell ya. I absolutely cannot put into words how many twists and turns and absolutely incredible adventures have weasled their way into my life.

So I'm starting this blog.

As a way for my friends and family all around the world to keep up with what I'm doing and hopefully, if I let you get a personal sneak peek into my adventures, you'll forgive me for missing your birthday, or forgetting to check in as much as we all would like :)

Monday, October 21, 2013


If Jean-Paul says it, it must be worth something, right? 

Until tomorrow, friends.